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Manufacturing Commercial Vehicles (MCV) from Egypt announces a BEV electric bus developed specifically for the German market.
As early as March 2023, the presentation of an integral, fully electric 12m long low-floor bus for the German market is to take place at the location in Meschede.
The C127 EV conforms to VDV guidelines and will surprise the industry with interesting equipment details. The Ventura doors, ZF axles or the VDV dashboard or even the mirror replacement system from Orlaco can be considered almost classic for a modern electric bus. Cantilever seating and thus a flexible interior concept are also familiar from the competition.
In terms of dimensions, the MCV electric bus remains within familiar dimensions, as shown by its 12.07m length, 3.2m height and 2.55m width with a wheelbase of 5.9m. With a maximum axle load of 11.5 t and the maximum standing capacity per square metre, the two-door bus, for example, can carry a total of 85 passengers – 37 seated and 45 standing. In the three-door model, the increased standing-room capacity even allows 90 passengers.
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